The RUST Admin Handbook (2024)

New to RUST Server Administration? Here’s a step forward in the right direction.

Administration, in general, can be a nasty business.Decisionscan have long-lasting impacts on one or two individuals and potentially an entire company or organization.RUST administration is honestly no different.With the power to kick, ban, or mute anyone within your community, Admins and Mods alikecandestroy or let their communitybe destroyedwith every action or inaction they take.

In this guide, we compile quick reference snips and tips to help the average server owner or biggest RUST community set up, maintain, and regulate those who may choose to patronize their Rust and Discord servers.

While we will touch on most subjects, it is essential to recognize just how random and spontaneous administration can be.Eventually, you will run into something unlike anything we could imagine, and hopefully, the tools in this guide can help you adapt and overcome any uncertainty.

This article, co-authored by No Limit Llama and Squbs, combines their extensive research, insights, and experience with RUST communities and server administration.

Mindset, Mental Maturity, and Admin Code of Conduct

As with every job, personality, confidence, desire, and ambitioncertainlyplay a part in the degree of success a potential applicant will havein the position.Rust admins, probably more so than most jobs, short of something like a real-world Correctional Officer, will fairly regularly be subjected to some pretty terrible verbal abuse by those they mean to serve.

Deciding to become an admin in the first place is often a misunderstood undertaking, resulting in an abnormally high rate of turnover.Many-a-player have opened a server of their own, only to find out that it’s atrulythankless and costly job most of the time.This being said, to be considered a ‘good’ admin is sometimes a balancing act between what needs tobe said, what you want to say, and what youactuallysay.


We all have days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed.Human nature happens.We aren’t saying that as an admin, you have to be 100% on your game all of the time, but it is importantto be ableto self-identify when you’re tilted.You shouldn’thave to ban people who annoy you and lose your status as an admin on a server you’re working to get the hint.We all have personal triggers, mental stupors, and even physical signs when we’re stressed and not in agoodframe of mind.Before you decideto administer or mod for others, you should make sure you can self-regulate your emotional states.

Mental Maturity

Going right alongwith recognizing your own triggers and moods, it is absolutely essential that you can see the same in others.Being an admin for Rust in particular is basically wearing a sign that says Kick Me.

A Rust Admin must be able to identify when someone is upset, maintain acooland collected demeanor at all times, and determine whenthere is a real problem thatrequires addressing versus someone trying to troll you and waste your time.

We’re expectedto be level-headed and logical in our responses, impartial in our outlook toward the player base, and approachable to people from all walks of life.Some days, adminsare expectedto make tough choices.In many ways, it’s almost like parenting with slightly less financial obligation and responsibility.

When you admin for a server, you are the face of that community.Taking care of yourself when working with the community is alsoof the utmost importance.No one wants to see berserk admins.In contemplation, before applyingfor oraccepting an admin position, it is good to ask yourself a few fundamental questions;

  • Does my desire to admin come froma place ofwanting to be helpful, orsimplypad my ego?
  • Am I willing to sacrifice time and energy for a pursuit with practically no payoff?
  • Is it worth it to not be able to (potentially) play on my favorite server group anymore?
  • My friend messed up;Should Ireallybad him?

Admin Code of Conduct

Every server, having different owners, will be accountable to some form of mantra, creed, or belief system.The rules from server to serverare going todiffer, and it’simportantto recognize the difference in wording,especiallyif you work or play in different communities.

This Admin Code of Conduct should be your handbook for everything about the server you’re working on.It should encapsulate the core values of what server ownership wants the server to be and how they want things to run.There will be times when you meet players who have no idea what the server rules or purpose of the server are, either by ignorance or while attempting to be deceptive. Itwill be incumbent upon the admin team to be educators and, in certain situations, enforcers.

Of course, while there are sometimes consequences for players who use the wrong language or exceed a team limit, there are much harsher consequences for the Admin who doesn’t abide by theircode.The phrase Admin Abuse can follow a team or server group for years.We are supposed to be thearbitersof impartial discretion.Thiscan be a lot for some to handle.

Rules, Enforcement, and Documentation


Without proper safeguards and governancein place, people will tend to do what is in their best interest and what they think they can get away with.A Rust server without rules is like leaving a group of teenagers home alone with an open liquor cabinet and no chaperone.

While solid, clear rules areimportantto the player base, they’re just as crucial for admins and moderators.All involved need to recognize that there are rules, that they are definite, and that there are reasons behind each one.Especially for an admin, it is of the utmost importance to communicate and educate on the rationale and practicality of the rules in place.

All of these things bring us to the notions of context and understanding. If you are working on a server and don’t understand the rules or why they apply to you, there is a good chance you will find wiggle room to justify bending them.

Bending them leads tobad,bad things for a community.Once your server name, or Brand as we call it,becomescompromised by labels such as Admin Abusers, building or maintaining a thriving community becomes nearly impossible.No one, not even the server owner, is above the server’s rules.


Ultimately, thereare going tobe times when a rule is broken, either by ignorance or malice, which will result in the admin needing to be the educator and even, sometimes, the enforcer.For one to uphold the community rules in place, not only does an admin need to understand rules, their context, and how to communicate those aspects, they need to act on them equally and without bias.

While there are various types of bans you may encounter, be it server, game developer, EAC, or VAC ban, your friendly, neighborhood Rust Admin is there to enact server bans that apply directly to the server, or server group, the admin is serving; however, understanding the rules of higher governance and what may lead to other types of bans can bekeyand even call for action on the server level.

For example, a player partaking in rampant cheating is directly against Facepunch’s Terms of Service and canpotentiallyearn them both a server and game ban.


Understanding when and how to take action, what action to take, and when to appeal said action are all main components of a smooth-running server.Consistency, often, iskeyin these regards.

As in most jobs,there is oftena reason, rationality, and procedurerequiredin ordertoget most things done.In Rust administration, thisoftencomesin the form ofcommunicating through documentation.From the written rule, actions taken by a player or players in opposition to said rule andwhat the protocol isfor the acting admin when said ruleis brokenare all foremost considerations when creating and referencing documentation.

Before even placing a ban, ensure you canundeniablyportray who broke what rule and how. Also, inform yourself of what action to take when a specific ruleis brokento maintain community consistency.Whether it be from referencing past cases, sometype ofaction chart, or a chat with your fellow admin, you and your team need to be on the same page.The ability to document these points not only assures the rest of your team of the evidence behind your action it can also help a player move forward after a ban appeal.

When actionis takenagainst a player, the involved party often contests it, or they mayjustwant clarification for future playtime.The banning admin won’t always be around when that appeal ticket or DM comes in.It can be crucial to clarify and prove why you took the action you didwithin means for it tobe accessible by all who may need to reference it.And, if appealable, it’simportantto communicate with the player what went wrong and the potential for moving forward.

Additional Considerations

You know the rules, how to enforce them, and how to document player infractions.Even with this baseline knowledge,there will still be occasional cases that willthrow the most seasoned admins for a loop.

Some Rust players mayseeminglymake it their sole goal to skirt the rules and walk the line of what is not allowed.Others may claim that they didn’t knowsomething was forbidden.You will likely encountera wide range ofapproaches, from intentional and passive ignorance to straight-up malice.

Frankly, it is nearly impossible to plan for everysingleodd investigation, each gray area the players may find, or particularly reactive banned player you may encounter.Even when a case may leave you sighing at your monitor, ensure you are mindful of server protocol, admin code of conduct, and how to communicate with the players and your team.

Vanilla Admin Commands

In Rust, admins gain the in-game potential to have some rather powerful interactions with the workings of the world around them.Ranging fromspawning any in-game item into existence right in front of their very eyes to traveling massive distances across the map in a sheer moment, the potential of what canbe doneis vast.

While we can’t touch on the full potential without spending hours, maybe even days, on this subject, this guide willreviewsome of the most commonly used commands within the RUST Admin Toolbox.

The F1 Menu

Before we get into the nitty gritty of commands, we first need to understand the new utility and navigation of the F1 Menu.While players can open this menu and use commands such ascombatlogor keybind, having admin clearance on a server opens up a whole new world of potential through this menu.

You can access this menu by pressing the F1 key on your keyboard by default.An overlaywith several options will pop up atthe top left of your window.

  • “Console,” where it opens by default, is where one inputs a wide range of commands and variables.
  • “Info” displays your computer details and map-specific information,suchas the seed.
  • “Net,”which gives further detailspertaining toyour connection to the server and packet loss.
  • “Items” lists all Rust items and gives you the potential to spawn them for one’s self.
  • “Tools” allows you to toggle world layers for a better in-game view.
  • “Server” displays information such as players, general information, and a view of convars.

With all of these, most of your time and utility will be spent within the “Console.” Again, while we will only cover some common types of commands,check out our RUST Admin Commands List for further details and a complete list.

Shortlist of Useful Admin Commands

Admin Environmental Commands

We will start with Admin Environmental type commands.These can change the admin’s view of in-game weather and time of day.They can beimmensely usefulwhen investigating during global nighttime or high fog and storm environments.

global.admintimeChanges only personal admin worldview to a specific time of day. Values <0 will change the time of day back to world default.bind “key” ~meta.exec “admintime -1”; meta.exec “admintime 12” “adminfog 0” “adminrain 0”
global.adminfogChanges personal admin worldview for visible fog amount.
global.adminrainChanges personal admin worldview for visible rain amount.

Debug & Free Cam Commands

The debug, or ‘free cam,’ allows the admin’s cameratoessentiallyfly free from one’s own bodyor that of someonebeing spectated.Thiscan be useful when trying toget an idea ofa fullsituation beyond your initial point of view.

debug.debugcameraToggles admin’s POV to a ‘free flying’ camera based on the render/view of the current player character model.bind “key” debugcamera

Entity Commands

Entity related commands range from checking who placed an entity, who is authed on an entity, and destroying entities.These can be useful for various reasons butare commonly seenwhen investigating who owns a base.

ent whoDisplays entity owner when used while looking at a player-placed entity.
ent authDisplays who is authorized on an entity when looking at an entity that accepts authorization.
ent killDestroys the entity that is currently being looked at.
entity.deleteby SteamIDDestroys all entities placed by a singular player. It is recommended to only use SteamID.

Console Commands

While the default for opening theconsoleis F1, it can be rebound or bound to clear on open forthe ease ofcopying information.

consoletoggleBound to the F1 key by default. We do not recommend changing the default bind. Toggles command console UI.
console.clearClears previous console information. Combine with consoletoggle command as a bind to open a clean console.
bind F2 consoletoggle;console.clear

Give Item Commands

Give commands can spawn items to yourowninventory, a specific player’s, or the whole server’s. Additionally, when adding to yourowninventory, you can utilize “Items” within the F1 menu.When using these commands especially, ensure that the server you’re working for allows item spawning or the circ*mstance in which thatis accepted.

inventory.give “shortname” “amountGives one’s self a specified amount of an item.
inventory.giveall “shortname” “amountGives the entire server population a specified amount of an item.
inventory.giveto “playername” “shortname” “amountGives the specified player a specified amount of an item.

God Mode Command

Whenever youare performingadmin tasks, sometype of‘god mode’ is highly recommended.Thisprevents you from taking damage or depleting over time.

global.god trueToggles personal invincibility.

No Clip Command

No Clip, while similar to debug, is differentin thatit allows your specific player character to fly through the air and any in-game object.

debug.noclipAllows admin’s player character model to freely fly through items that would normally have a collision.bind “key” noclip

Print Position Command

Print position will give any player’s exact map coordinates at the specific timeof runningthe command.This can be handy whenrevisitingan area or base location later in an investigation.

printpos SteamIDDisplays the coordinates of the specified player at the time of command execution.

Spectate Commands

Often paired with the debug command, spectating a player is one of the most sure-fire ways to understand what a player is up to within the game.Thiscan give you several visual perspectives and is extremely valuable when investigating anytype ofcase based on one specific player.

spectateAllows admin to see a specific player’s POV.Note: With this command, the Admin’s body will die at the current position.
spectate SteamIDAllows the admin to see a specific player’s POV. Note that the admin’s body will die at the current position with this command.
respawnIt will remove you from spectate mode and return you to your player character model’s POV.

Team Information Command

Want to find out who someone is on a Team UI with? The team information command can give you that information when used on one player in the group.This information isextremely usefulwhen finding out who is working with whom.

teaminfo SteamIDDisplays a specified player’s team UI information.

Teleport Commands

Traveling around the map can come in several forms as an admin.By far, the most efficient is teleporting.These commands allow you to travel to a player, your map marker, where you’re looking, and more.

teleport SteamIDTeleports one’s self to a specified player.
teleport SteamID SteamIDTeleports the first player to the second player’s location.
teleport2autheditem SteamIDTeleports one’s self to an entity authorized by a specified player.
teleport2markerTeleports one’s self to a marker, rotating through them chronologically.bind “key” teleport2marker
teleport2owneditem SteamIDTeleports one’s self to an entity placed by a specified player.
teleportpos x,y,zTeleports one’s self to set map coordinates.

World Layers Command

layer.toggle “LayerNameToggles the personal display of different world layer types to “see through” them and disappear.bind “key” layer.toggle World;layer.toggle Terrain;layer.toggle Construction;layer.toggle Tree;layer.toggle Clutter


Say it’s a busy day on the server;there’s these two groups startingto roam together to break the team limit, another person is yelling about a cheater on the other side of the map, and Little Timmy is being called a few, too many colorful names in chat.

All of these things could warrant admin investigation and action.While being ableto properly prioritizeiskey, a big part of all of this becomes efficiency.One way to speed up yourownprocess is through the use ofkeybinds.

Instead of typing out the whole ‘teleport2marker’ for the seventh time in this case, keybinds give you the potential to bind that command, or multiple, to a singular button press.The utility of this system islargely customizedto each admin and notevenevery command benefits from this.However, when it does, you may find yourself constantly reaching for a hotkey instead of the whole process of opening yourconsoleand typing out a command.

We recommend finding what setup works best for you.Typed into yourConsole, the overarching format is as follows:


SteamID vs. Username

Now, before you go wild by teleporting haphazardly and spectating unintended players, there are important considerations when applying commands that require sometype ofplayer identifier.

While you can typically use a typed-out player name when using these commands,instead,we highly recommend using a SteamID for any situation youmightfind yourself in.

Usernames can change or have special characters and spaces, or there can be players with similar names, allthings that could potentially end withan unintended or even damaging outcome.SteamIDs ensurethat you’rereferencing the correct player 100% of the time with no fiddly formatting concerns.

As admins, our toolbox is not limited to Rust fresh out of the box.This community is lucky enough to have a vast library of third-party tools and passionate developers constantly propelling what canbe done.Through this, we’ve gained seemingly endless powerful tools, quality of life improvements, and sub-communities intertwined with what makes Rust, Rust.


The question gets asked quite a bit, especially with newer admins:what are plugins?

In layperson’s terms, plugins are best thought of as aftermarket modifications.They’rethe types of tools that admins need by default but haven’t yet been incorporated into the base game or features that the community would like to see in the game but the developer hasn’t gotten around to yet.

Individual developers within the community identify a function or feature they believe could add to the game and use their skills and experience to bring this functionality into the gamein the form ofa plugin.They use a website such as or https://carbonmod.ggas a platform to support their plugin and market it, either freely or for a small fee, to prospective server owners who are going for acertaintheme or effect.

Some of these plugins drastically change the dynamic of the core game, while othersare usedas tools to make the Rust admin’s life easier.For this reason,the Rust developers have deemed some plugins or their effects too modded for the standard vanilla community.

The generalterminology they used to describe a plugin that constitutes an immediate change from Community to Modded is as follows;

Community servers must not:

  • Modify gameplay in any way
  • Modify the game user interface (GUI) in any way

These rules arefairlybroad and absolute, but this informationisclearlymore gearedtowards the Server Owner who decides on the formatting of their community.In the interest of the standard Admin Guide, we are instead going to discuss pluginsthat arein a league of their own.

Admin-specific pluginsare excludedfrom the community rule.They are to be used by those with administrative privileges and no one else, and with good reason.Here is a brief synopsis of some of the more common and, frankly, essential admin-specific plugins.

Admin Radarallowsfora staff member to see vast distances, detecting virtually any in-game entity or playerfromup to 500 meters away.Thisis especially important when carrying out disciplinary functions in the game or when baiting cheaters.

Admin Hammertakes many of the built-in entity-identifying functions in the game and turns them into a much more user-friendly click feature.It is the best overall tool one can have when running a server that has teamlimits,or other zerg-restricting features.

Admin Loggerensures that server ownersare capable of monitoringthe actions taken by those they entrust with moderator or admin powers.It logs most admin-related functions, including commands like entity killing and authorization checks.This plugin provides awonderfulcheck and balance for newer administrative staff with a limited history with the server.

Modding Frameworks

So, how does the server use the plugin that hasbeen installed?Without over-elaborating and delving into how to program or reprogram a plugin, we’ll cover the different bridging software that translate and incorporate a plugin into a functional tool.

Oxide / Umod, or the uMod Framework, is an API and toolset that allows independent developers to create and run their own plugins using C# (sharp) on Rust servers. It is by far the most used option that we will discussand probably the only one that most Rust admins or moderators will hear about.

Carbon is a newer platform that performs similiar functions as Oxide.Its relative newness doesn’t discount its potential, as it has picked up considerable steam in recent months within the RUST development community.

Harmony is a muchmorelighter Oxide alternative.While it has far less of a following than its alternative, it is still worth mentioning and consideringdependingon your preference and needs.


As humans, wesimplycan not be active on the server 24/7; we need sleep, food, and our lives outside of Rust.Server happenings continue far beyond what occurs while an admin is online, in-game.

Remote console tools, commonly called RCON, are essential for admins to have within their repertoire.With a wide range of functionality from a remote setting, you may use these tools daily, more often than loading up the game itself. A few key uses of RCON are:

  • Executing Server Commands
  • Kicking or Banning Users
  • Gaining Player Information
  • Reviewing Server Logs
  • Monitoring Server Status
  • Moderating In-Game Chat
  • Task Automation
  • Plugin Loading
  • And more!

Both BattleMetrics and RustAdmin offer powerful and commonly used RCON tools.Your server group may use one over the other or even both. Whatever the case, we highly recommend utilizing the potential of RCON tools.

Discord Resources

With Rust’s constantly evolving environment, it is of the utmost importance that we stay up-to-date with each change, the possible bugs that may accompany it, and how that may change some of our tools over time. Discord can be invaluable for troubleshooting server or plugin-related issues, sharing and gaining tips and tricks, and staying up-to-date on everything RUST-related.

First and foremost, we recommend joining the official Rust Discord.Through this, you can monitor the big changes being made in-game and the bugs players and servers may be experiencing.

Additionally, there are Rust admin-specific Discord communities such as:

Both are excellent sources for any admin wanting to troubleshoot, discuss tools, or expand into other server organizations.

While there are nearly endless Discord servers one could join, we recommend peeking in on anythat arerelated to tools your server org uses.Tools such as:

These tools have their own Discord community where you can ensure you have the latest informationpertaining tothose specific tools.Some developers even have Discord communities where you can look for plugin updates, provide feedback, or report issues.

Web Resources

We could go on all day about various tools and resources, but for the sake of this guide, we’ll keep it short.With that in mind, there are still a handful of noteworthy additional resources that can be immensely useful given the right circ*mstances.

Want toglance at a Steam profile and get a synopsis of important information? Or do you only have a custom Steam URL and need the SteamID?Websites such as https://steamid.ukor are great resources for getting Steam information on a player.

In-charge of picking a map out for the next wipe and want it displayed nicely without having to load up a server to generate it? The website is an excellent resource for visualizing and generating map seeds.

Want to stay knowledgeable about themajorgameplay changes happening with each wipe? Shadowfrax on YouTube delivers themajorpoints of each update and what may be currently in development.

With the vast potential of external tools, their use willlargelycome down to each specific server or server group and personal preference.Ensureyou’re communicating with your team to ensure you know the full potential of your current capabilities and feel free to let us know if you have any other recommendations for tools.


Within the digital landscape of Rust, each encounter can matter, and every resource counts.Players who utilize in-game cheats to gain an unfair advantage can ruin the experience of honest players.To maintain the natural flow of a wipe, it often falls upon the server admins to identify and thwart those who wish to progress unnaturally.

What is Cheating?

Essentially, cheating in Rust can be defined as using any unauthorizedthird-party tool that alters the in-game experience. These tools are often used maliciously to gain an unfair advantage within the game environment. Using ‘cheats’ can earn a player a ban from not just a server or server group but from the game as a whole, as it directly violates Facepunch’s terms of service.

Catching Cheaters in RUST

Rust cheats come in a wide variety that is constantly expanding and evolving.Fromseeing players through solid objects, climbing up buildings, flawless aim, and more, the list of potential things to look out for is extensive.Due to this, we will only be mentioning some of the more common types to keep an eye out for.But we’llinclude some tips and tricks to help you remain vigilant and thoughtful when something seems off. Read our article on How to Spot a Cheater in RUST for a more in-depth breakdown of specific cheat-type definitions.

When someone mentions cheating in an FPS, the most common thing that often comes to mind are alterations relating to your gun or weapon.Rust is no exception.Spinbot, aim assists, and recoil control-related cheats are common, but don’t overlook simpler forms of third-party advantages such as automated clicking software used to turn in fertilizer or crops for scrap.Even thesmallestadvantage in Rust can drastically reshape the natural pace of a wipe.

Movement-related cheats allow the player to climb up miscellaneous walls, jump effortlessly to the roof of a clan’s base, run through trees as if they weren’t there, fall with no damage, and more.These cheats interact directly with the player’s in-game movement, speed, and direction.Often, these will be your most blatant cases.

Some of the more damaging cheat types are those that emulate or even allow the player to perform admin-related game functions.These cheats can do somemajordamage, including vanishing, spawning in items, teleporting, and god mode.

ESP (short forExtra-SensoryPerception) can be one of the more complex and time-consuming cheats to confirm.From players aiming repeatedly in on a player obscured by a wall, to slyly looking over in one direction a few too many times, what to look for when detecting ESP can range from obvious toextremelydiscreet.

Catching your first few cheaters may be exciting for some, and it’s often what new admins look forward to the most.However, at times, the line between an external cheat, exploit, lag, miscellaneous game bug, or even a skilled player can become quite blurred if you’re unsure what you’re looking for.

Additionally, Rust cheats arealwaysevolving, andthere are somenot mentioned within this guide.Even the most weathered admins may miss the occasional sneaky cheater or new exploit.Worry not;to combat this perpetually changing environment, there are steps you can take to stay prepared for any peculiar in-game phenomenon.

  1. Stay up to date with game mechanics and current bugs.Knowing the game’s workings is paramount when investigating a potential cheater.Without knowledge of proper game mechanics,it’sdifficultto differentiate a red flag from a legitimate occurrence.Additionally, situations such as a map generation issue or a player hidden within a foundation may have a cause outsideofthird-party software.
  1. Ask, “What else could cause this in-game event?”Maintaining a healthy curiosity about exactly what’s going on in any situation can be beneficial.Perhaps there is a legitimate way for that player to have pulled off a particular stunt.Within Rust, the realm of possibility is vast.It may be worth checking if you can replicate something questionable before acting.
  1. Communicate and ask questions.Still unsure? Communicating with your team and gaining feedback is a prized tool.Especially when just getting started, getting a second opinion is a valuable way to gain confidence in your knowledge base of what to look for.Also, reaching out to awiderinformation pool, such as Discord admin communities, can be immensely beneficial when unearthing game exploits, bugs, or other issues you may not have been exposed to previously.

Cheat Ban Considerations

While we, as admins, can only act within the realm of a server or server group when applying cheater bans, it is still highly recommended for both admins and players alike to F7 report any player you may suspect of cheating.

Even if you are uncertain or barely suspicious, utilizing the F7 report feature may lead to consequences far more harsh than a server-side ban.Facepunch monitors and catches cheaters using the Easy Anti-Cheat System (EAC).Submitting these F7 reports will help initiate the EAC process.

The evidence hasbeen collected, the ban has gone through, and all is well on the server, right?Five more minutes go by, a new userjoined Discord, and a ticket just pinged in your notifications.It’s the person just banned for cheating, denying that they ever did anything wrong anddemanding to see the evidence on them.Thisis when your ability to document and cover yourself as a junior admin isabsolutelyessential.

Admins and cheatersseem to bein this never-ending push and pull of trying to outsmart each other.We are by no means advocating that you should divulge any information to a confirmed cheater. Still, thereare times when a community server owner might ask for justification for a more drastic ban.Take clips, screenshots and audio recordings and store them for your own, or server group’s, records – this could help you immensely in the future.

While there is no “one size fits all”answeronwhat to share in these instances, it is worth being mindful of the potential consequences of oversharing.Rememberthat everything you say, do, orshare can be usedagainst you.Becertainthat what you share does not help someone evade detection in the future.

Final Thoughts

We understand that this whole new world of potential can beextremely excitingfor some but wejustwantedto take a momentto remind ourselves that it does come with itsownresponsibility.Specific servers may have safeguards to preventthe use ofsome of these commands.Other owners mayjustask that you do not utilize everything within the toolbox.Either way, ensure what you’re attempting to do abides within the realm of the server you’re working on.

Until next time, be good to each other, always.

The RUST Admin Handbook (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.